
CLPNNL Professional Leadership Workshop (in person)
For more information and to register click here

New Code of Ethics, effective October 1, 2023
Click below to read the New Code of Ethics, effective October 1, 2023

PRACTICE Volume 9, Issue 1
To read the latest edition of PRACTICE

Registration is now open for 2023-2024 License Renewal
Click the link below to renew your license now.

PRACTICE Vol 8, Issue 1
Click below for the latest issue of PRACTICE.

CLPNNL Election Results Zones I and III
Click the link below to find out the results of CLPNNL Board Election for Zones I and III

The Licensed Practical Nurses Act, 2005 Amended to Support Accountability to the Public and the Evolving LPN Scope of Pr
See the attached for more information.

VOTING NOW OPEN: Candidates for Zone II Election
Voting is now open, please check your email for the invitation. To view the candidates for the upcoming Zone II election please click the link below.

Mandatory Vaccination Policy Gov NL
For more information on the mandatory vaccination policy click the link below.

National Day of Truth and Reconciliation
This day provides an opportunity for all Canadians to recognize and commemorate the legacy of residential schools. The day honours the lost children and survivors of residential schools, their families and communities. Public commemoration of the tragic and painful history and ongoing impacts of residential schools is a vital component of the reconciliation process and importantly a day for personal reflection. On Thursday, September 30, CLPNNL invites you to recognize and honour all of those who suffered – and those who still suffer – the ravages of the residential school system by wearing orange, by participating in Orange Day and Truth and Reconciliation Day events, by reflecting on the ongoing impact and legacy of the residential schools, and by learning more about the experiences and histories of the First Nations, Inuit, and Metis Peoples of Canada.
Mental Health Supports available:
Former Residential School students can call 1-866-925-4419 for emotional crisis referral services and information on other health supports from the Government of Canada.
Indigenous peoples across Canada can also go to The Hope for Wellness Help Line 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for counselling and crisis intervention.
Call the toll-free Help Line at 1-855-242-3310 or connect to the online chat.
This day provides an opportunity for all Canadians to recognize and commemorate the legacy of residential schools. The day honours the lost children and survivors of residential schools, their families and communities. Public commemoration of the tragic and painful history and ongoing impacts of residential schools is a vital component of the reconciliation process and importantly a day for personal reflection. On Thursday, September 30, CLPNNL invites you to recognize and honour all of those who suffered – and those who still suffer – the ravages of the residential school system by wearing orange, by participating in Orange Day and Truth and Reconciliation Day events, by reflecting on the ongoing impact and legacy of the residential schools, and by learning more about the experiences and histories of the First Nations, Inuit, and Metis Peoples of Canada.
Mental Health Supports available:
Former Residential School students can call 1-866-925-4419 for emotional crisis referral services and information on other health supports from the Government of Canada.
Indigenous peoples across Canada can also go to The Hope for Wellness Help Line 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for counselling and crisis intervention.
Call the toll-free Help Line at 1-855-242-3310 or connect to the online chat.

Board Elections Zone I and Zone III- Call for Nominations
Board Elections Zone I and Zone III- Call for Nominations
The CLPNNL is seeking nominations for one LPN to be elected to the Board of the CLPNNL for each of Zones I and III (total of two LPNs). Each position is for a three-year term (January 1, 2022 – December 31, 2024). A copy of the By-laws that outlines the catchment areas for Zones I and III is available on the website
1. Deadline for receipt of completed nomination forms at the CLPNNL office is October 22, 2021 at 1630 hrs.
2. Instructions for online voting and a list of nominees will be emailed to each LPN in Zones I and III on November 12, 2021.
3. The window for online voting in each electoral zone will take place from November 26 to December 10, 2021.
4. Notification of election results to candidates takes place on December 15, 2021.
5. Notification of election results to membership occurs on December 17, 2021.
Please see the attached nomination forms.
For more information about the election process, please contact the office of the CLPNNL or visit or contact Dena Lake, Regulatory Officer at
The CLPNNL is seeking nominations for one LPN to be elected to the Board of the CLPNNL for each of Zones I and III (total of two LPNs). Each position is for a three-year term (January 1, 2022 – December 31, 2024). A copy of the By-laws that outlines the catchment areas for Zones I and III is available on the website
1. Deadline for receipt of completed nomination forms at the CLPNNL office is October 22, 2021 at 1630 hrs.
2. Instructions for online voting and a list of nominees will be emailed to each LPN in Zones I and III on November 12, 2021.
3. The window for online voting in each electoral zone will take place from November 26 to December 10, 2021.
4. Notification of election results to candidates takes place on December 15, 2021.
5. Notification of election results to membership occurs on December 17, 2021.
Please see the attached nomination forms.
For more information about the election process, please contact the office of the CLPNNL or visit or contact Dena Lake, Regulatory Officer at

Health Care Regulators Break Barriers with the Establishment of New Position: Complaints Facilitator
Click the link for more info.

CLPNNL Introduces New Documents
Click the link to view the four updated document.

Stats Canada: Covid-19 Impact Survey Invite
Please click the link for more information.

Board Elections Zone I and Zone IV- Call for Nominations
The CLPNNL is seeking nominations for one LPN to be elected to the Board of the CLPNNL for each of Zones I and IV (total of two LPNs). Each position is for a three-year term (January 1, 2021 – December 31, 2023). A copy of the By-laws that outlines the catchment areas for Zones I and IV is available on the website
1. Deadline for receipt of completed nomination forms at the CLPNNL office is October 23, 2020 at 1630 hrs.
2. Instructions for online voting and a list of nominees will be emailed to each LPN in Zones I and IV on November 14, 2020.
3. The window for online voting in each electoral zone will take place from November 27 to December 11, 2020.
4. Notification of election results to candidates takes place on December 14, 2020.
5. Notification of election results to membership occurs on December 16, 2020.
Please see the attached nomination forms.
For more information about the election process, please contact the office of the CLPNNL or visit or contact Dena Lake, Regulatory Officer at
1. Deadline for receipt of completed nomination forms at the CLPNNL office is October 23, 2020 at 1630 hrs.
2. Instructions for online voting and a list of nominees will be emailed to each LPN in Zones I and IV on November 14, 2020.
3. The window for online voting in each electoral zone will take place from November 27 to December 11, 2020.
4. Notification of election results to candidates takes place on December 14, 2020.
5. Notification of election results to membership occurs on December 16, 2020.
Please see the attached nomination forms.
For more information about the election process, please contact the office of the CLPNNL or visit or contact Dena Lake, Regulatory Officer at

Footcare Stakeholder Release
Click the link for more info.

COVID-19 FAQs for LPNs
Click the link for more info

COVID-19 General Information
Click the link for more info

2019 Novel Coronavirus Infection: Information for Health Professionals
Please click the link for additional details.

Canadian Association of Foot Care Nurses - CANCELLED
The CAFCN Annual National Conference will take place from May 22-24, 2020 at Hotel Halifax, Halifax, NS.

CNA Engagement and Dialogue Session in Newfoundland and Labrador
This session is scheduled in St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador on January 14, 2020 from 11:30-1:30 pm in the Main Auditorium at the Health Sciences Centre, 300 Prince Philip Drive.

CLPNNL Welcomes New Board Members
Please see the link below to view the election results for Zones II and V. There has also been an appointment for Zone I to fill the vacancy.

Information Session: Centre for Nursing Studies
The Centre for Nursing Studies will be holding an information session on Tuesday, November 5, 2019 from 7:00 - 8:30 p.m.
For additional information please click on the link below.
For additional information please click on the link below.

Board Elections Zone II and Zone V- Call for Nominations
Election of LPNs to the Board for Zone II (Eastern Region) and Zone V (Labrador-Grenfell Region)
Click to see more.
The CLPNNL is seeking nominations for one LPN to be elected to the Board of the CLPNNL for each of Zones II and V (total of two LPNs). Each position is for a three-year term (January 1, 2020 – December 31, 2022). A copy of the By-laws that outlines the catchment areas for Zones II and V is available on the website
1. Deadline for receipt of completed nomination forms at the CLPNNL office is October 25th, 2019 at 1630 hrs.
2. Instructions for online voting and a list of nominees will be emailed to each LPN in Zones II and V on November 22nd, 2019.
3. The window for online voting in each electoral zone will take place from December 2nd to December 9th, 2019.
4. Notification of election results to candidates takes place on December 13th, 2019.
5. Notification of election results to membership occurs on December 16th, 2019.
Please see attached link for Nomination Forms below.
For more information about the election process, please contact the office of the CLPNNL
or visit or contact Dena Lake, Regulatory Officer at
Click to see more.
The CLPNNL is seeking nominations for one LPN to be elected to the Board of the CLPNNL for each of Zones II and V (total of two LPNs). Each position is for a three-year term (January 1, 2020 – December 31, 2022). A copy of the By-laws that outlines the catchment areas for Zones II and V is available on the website
1. Deadline for receipt of completed nomination forms at the CLPNNL office is October 25th, 2019 at 1630 hrs.
2. Instructions for online voting and a list of nominees will be emailed to each LPN in Zones II and V on November 22nd, 2019.
3. The window for online voting in each electoral zone will take place from December 2nd to December 9th, 2019.
4. Notification of election results to candidates takes place on December 13th, 2019.
5. Notification of election results to membership occurs on December 16th, 2019.
Please see attached link for Nomination Forms below.
For more information about the election process, please contact the office of the CLPNNL
or visit or contact Dena Lake, Regulatory Officer at

Proposed Amendments to CLPNNL By-laws
At the CLPNNL Annual General Meeting on July 4, 2019, a motion will be introduced to amend the CLPNNL By-laws, Article 21, to allow for the election of LPN Board members through electronic voting, rather than the current mail-in system.
Please see the attached document for full details of the proposed amendments.
Please see the attached document for full details of the proposed amendments.

Link for February 12th Cultural Competence Webinar
Please click below to be linked to the webinar Diversity and Inclusion: Fostering Cultural Competence in Practice, jointing presented by ARNNL, NLASW, MUN and CLPNNL.
After the webinar, click the button below to access the evaluation form. Please complete the form and scan to
After the webinar, click the button below to access the evaluation form. Please complete the form and scan to

Cultural Competence Event February 12, 2019
Please see the poster for details on this joint Diversity and Inclusion event presented by CLPNNL, ARNNL, NLASW and Memorial University.

14th Annual Research Symposium
The 14th Annual NERC Research Symposium is coming up on May 10, 2019. See the attached poster for full details on attendance in person or via webinar.

Nursing Grand Rounds January-June 2019
Please download the file to see upcoming Nursing Grand Rounds topics. Rounds can be attended in person at the Miller Centre or via webinar, and attendance can be used as credit towards the CLPNNL Continuing Competency Program.

CLPNNL Webinars January-April 2019
CLPNNL is offering a variety of webinars for LPNs this winter. Please see the attached file for dates and topics.

CLPNNL Webinars Fall 2018
Click the link to see the schedule of CLPNNL webinars being presented this fall.

2017-2018 Nursing Grand Rounds
See the Nursing Grand Rounds schedule for 2017-18 learning opportunities to attend in person or via webinar.

CLPNNL Webinars for Winter 2018
Open the file to see full details of upcoming webinars hosted by CLPNNL.

Canadian Nurse Regulators' Forum
Canadian Nurse Regulators held their inaugural forum.

Report of the Task Force on Cannabis Legalization and Regulation
A Framework for the Legalization and Regulation of Cannabis in Canada: The Final Report of the Task Force on Cannabis Legalization and Regulation has been released and is attached for your information.

PRACTICE Vol 2, Issue 2
Here is the latest Issue of PRACTICE magazine.

CLPNNL PRACTICE Magazine - Volume 1, Issue 1
CLPNNL PRACTICE Magazine - Volume 1, Issue 1

Medical Assistance in Dying Update
Medical Assistance in Dying Update

Shared Scope of Practice presentation - CLPNNL and ARNNL
Shared Scope of Practice presentation - CLPNNL and ARNNL

Physician Assisted Death - Update - June 6
Physician Assisted Death - Update - June 6

Physician Assisted Death - Update - June 15
Physician Assisted Death - Update - June 15