Standards of Practice and Code of Ethics
Entry-Level Competencies for Licensed Practical Nurses

In August 2019, the Canadian Council for Practical Nurse Regulators (CCPNR) released the Entry-Level Competencies (ELC) for LPNs. ELCs are the expected competencies for entry-level LPN practice across Canada. The competencies describe the knowledge, skill, judgement and attitude required of beginning practitioners to provide safe, competent and ethical nursing care. This document is the foundation for curriculum development of PN education and also serves as a guide for public and employer awareness of the practice expectations of the entry-level practical nurse.

The CLPNNL has adopted this document for use in Newfoundland and Labrador beginning in 2022. The ELCs will be incorporated into the development of the national nurse registration exam in 2022.

Entry-Level Competencies for Licensed Practical Nurses - 2022

Interpretative Documents

The College of Licensed Practical Nurses of Newfoundland and Labrador (CLPNNL) develops Interpretive Documents to provide direction, promote clarity and give further explanation to Licensed Practical Nurses (LPNs) in relation to the expectations identified within the Standards of Practice and Code of Ethics (2013).

Position Statements
Practice Guidelines

The College of Licensed Practical Nurses of Newfoundland and Labrador (CLPNNL) develops Practice Guidelines that outline the LPN's accountability in specific practice contexts. These guidelines reflect legislation and are designed to assist LPNs to understand their responsibilities and legal obligation.

Competency Profile

The College of Licensed Practical Nurses of Newfoundland and Labrador (CLPNNL), in accordance with the Licensed Practical Nurses Act (2005), has the legislative responsibility for regulating the practice of Licensed Practical Nurses in Newfoundland and Labrador. The mission of the CLPNNL is to protect the public by actively promoting safe, competent, and ethical nursing care.

The College of Licensed Practical Nurses of Newfoundland and Labrador (CLPNNL) advise that a revised competency profile has been approved by the CLPNNL Board effective September 1, 2019. This competency profile replaces the 2011 competency profile and its' 2016 addendum. 

The Competency Profile - Scope of Practice for LPN's articulates the skills that are approved by CLPNNL for inclusion into the scope of practice for LPN's in this province. It reflects the growing and diverse nature of competencies that LPN's are, or can be, educated to perform in the interest of safe, competent, compassionate, and ethical nursing service. Accompanying the scope of practice document are three appendices: a description of LPN practice; the process for delegation of function to a LPN: and, the process to advance the scope of practice for the practical nursing profession. 

To search the document: you can search the document by hovering anywhere on the document and holding down on the Control Key and entering F (Ctrl F). Enter your term to be searched in the 'Find Bar' that appears. 

LPN's and other stakeholders are encouraged to review the competency profile in its entirety as the document introduction helps to frame the context for LPN practice. 

This document is maintained current on the CLPNNL website when printing a page or pages, the information is current as of the date of printing. 

The Competency Profile - Scope of Practice document can be found by clicking here.