The College of Licensed Practical Nurses of Newfoundland and Labrador (CLPNNL) believes that quality assurance and quality improvement are integral to the public receiving safe, competent, compassionate, and ethical nursing care. Proactive regulation which focuses on promoting good practice and preventing poor practice is also essential to effective regulation. By directing our efforts upstream, the College aims to proactively prevent and mitigate the risk of harm to the public of NL.
The Quality Framework was developed as a broad representation of all the work that CLPNNL undertakes as an organization to ensure that the public of NL are receiving safe, competent and ethical nursing care.
The framework consists of 7 key elements that are at the core of public protection:
The Quality Assurance Program is one of the elements of CLPNNL's Quality Framework.
In November 2021, Section 29.1, the Quality Assurance Committee, was added to the Licensed Practical Nurses Act,2005. This addition to the Act requires CLPNNL to establish a QA committee and develop a program of quality assurance for licensed practical nurses in NL. Sections 29.1 through to 29.5 specifically relate to the formation of the committee; the development of a QA program; the requirement for an LPN to comply with any request or directive from the QA committee; as well as the powers of the QA committee in the review of the practice of an LPN. Quality assurance is a proactive measure to address practice issues of LPNs. It is a supportive framework that works to assist members to meet the expected LPN standards for nursing care in the province. The QA Program Document outlines the process of how matters will be assessed and addressed through the QA review process.
Professional Conduct Review (PCR), in accordance with the Licensed Practical Nurses Act (2005) and Regulations (2011), is the process that CLPNNL uses to manage allegations it receives about the practice and/or conduct of licensed practical nurses (LPNs) that may:
- affect the safety of the public;
- damage the public's trust in the profession; and/or
- negatively impact the integrity of the profession.
Once we receive a signed letter of allegation that outlines the issue/concern pertaining to the conduct of a LPN the PCR process begins. The nature of the concerns and the assessment of the risk to the public determine how an allegation moves through the PCR process.
In order for the letter of allegation to be accepted, it must:
- be in writing;
- indicate the LPN’s name;
- indicate the issue/reason for the allegation;
- be signed by the complainant; and
- include your contact information.
In addition, please state your specific concerns and provide in writing the details of the event which led to the allegation. In general, your allegation should include the basic information of “who, what, when, where, why and how" and should include dates, the names of any persons involved, and any other information relevant to the allegation.
If you have any supporting documentation, please provide copies. Anonymous allegations will not be accepted.
For more information about the PCR process click on the links below.
Licensed Practical Nurses Act (2005)
Licensed Practical Nurses Regulations (2011)
Professional Conduct Review Brochure
Professional Conduct Review Flow Chart
For additional information about the PCR Process please contact:
Wanda Wadman, RN, BAA(N), MN
Chief Executive Officer/Registrar
Telephone: 709-579-3843
Fax: 709-579-3095
Dena Lake, LPN, BA
Regulatory Officer
Telephone: 709-579-3843 ext. 204
Fax: 709-579-3095
The Licensed Practical Nurses Act (2005) section16(1) gives the CLPNNL Registrar the authority to attempt to resolve an allegation where it appears it may be resolved satisfactorily. The CLPNNL Alternate Dispute Resolution (ADR) Policy outlines the process undertaken by the Registrar in the development and execution of an ADR to resolve the allegation. Where the allegation is not satisfactorily resolved by the Registrar, the allegation will be referred to the Complaints Authorization Committee (CAC). Additionally, section 17(1)(a) indicates that an allegation that has been referred to the CAC may be referred back to the Registrar for ADR and/or investigation.
The following notifications are provided in accordance with the CLPNNL Board policy Notification in the Professional Conduct Review (PCR) Process approved December 2019.
Notice of Hearing
Member’s name: Shawna Regular, CLPNNL # 5638
Nature of Complaint: It is alleged that the Member is guilty of conduct deserving of sanction in the nature of professional misconduct and breaches of Standards of Practice and Code of Ethics for Licensed Practical Nurses, by taking of a photograph of a resident in a vulnerable state, and showing it to a colleague, all without any apparent or valid purpose relating to the resident’s care or welfare, thereby showing a lack of respect for the dignity of the resident.
Hearing date(s): April 16th, 2024 to April 18th, 2024.
Location: College of Licensed Practical Nurses of Newfoundland and Labrador, 209 Blackmarsh Road, St. John’s, NL.
Decisions of the Registrar and/or the Complaints Authorization Committee (CAC)
On October 4, 2023, the CLPNNL Registrar resolved an allegation filed against an LPN. The Complainant was the LPN’s employer. The allegation related to the LPN using a personal computer for reasons not related to nursing care, as well as not documenting an assessment. There was no allegation of harm to any clients. The LPN is required, as part of the resolution agreement, to complete remedial education targeting professional accountability, jurisprudence, Standards of Practice and the Code of Ethics. Additionally, the LPN is required to meet with CLPNNL’s Practice Consultant to discuss Standards of Practice and Code of Ethics and CLPNNL’s accountability guidelines. Finally, the LPN is required to submit an essay reflecting on the importance of professional accountability in nursing practice and the impact of the required remedial learnings on their professional practice in the future.
On September 25, 2023, the CLPNNL Registrar resolved an allegation filed against an LPN. The Complainant was the LPN’s employer. The allegation related to the LPN destroying clinical care records without authorization. There was no allegation of harm to any client. The LPN is required, as part of a resolution agreement, to complete remedial education targeting documentation, Standards of Practice and regulation of LPN practice. Additionally, the LPN is required to meet with CLPNNL’s Practice Consultant to discuss Standards of Practice and Code of Ethics as well as CLPNNL’s documentation guidelines. Finally, the LPN is required to submit an essay reflecting on the importance of the care and maintenance of accurate documentation, as well as how the learnings gained from the remedial education will impact their professional practice in future.
On July 25, 2023, the CLPNNL Registrar resolved an allegation filed against an LPN. The Complainant was the LPN’s employer. The allegation related to the LPN not following employer assigned break policy and not following the proper procedure for shift handover report. There was no allegation of harm to any client. The LPN is required to complete remedial education targeting professional responsibility, jurisprudence, interpersonal communication and leadership. Additionally, as part of the resolution, the LPN is required to meet with CLPNNL’s Practice Consultant to discuss CLPNNL’s Standards of Practice and Code of Ethics. Finally, the LPN is required to submit an essay reflecting on insights gained from the required education and the importance of following workplace protocols related to handover report in nursing practice.
On May 10, 2023, the CLPNNL Registrar resolved an allegation filed against an LPN. The Complainant was the LPN’s employer. The allegation related to the LPN not following appropriate documentation and administration of medications. There was no allegation of harm to any client. The LPN provided CLPNNL with information confirming that they are under the care of a health professional and have been successfully treated for a medical condition that was impacting their ability to concentrate. As part of a resolution agreement, the LPN is required to meet with the CLPNNL Regulatory Officer on a monthly basis to discuss their ongoing fitness to practice nursing and to review their action plan and fitness checklist to ensure that they are able to provide safe, competent nursing care.
On April 3, 2023, the CLPNNL Registrar resolved an allegation filed against an LPN. The Complainant was the LPN’s employer. The allegation related to the Respondent asking colleagues to remove medical supplies from the place of employment for the purpose of personal use. There was no allegation of harm to any client. The LPN is required to complete remedial education targeting professional responsibility, jurisprudence and professional boundaries. Additionally, as part of the resolution, the LPN is required to meet with CLPNNL’s Practice Consultant to discuss CLPNNL’s Standards of Practice and Code of Ethics. Finally, the LPN is required to submit an essay reflecting on insights gained from the required education and the importance of maintaining employer-employee boundaries in nursing practice.
On April 3, 2023, the CLPNNL Registrar resolved an allegation filed against an LPN. The Complainant was the LPN’s employer. The allegation related to the Respondent removing medical supplies from the place of employment for the purpose of providing it to a colleague for personal use. There was no allegation of harm to any client. The LPN is required to complete remedial education targeting professional responsibility, jurisprudence and professional boundaries. Additionally, as part of the resolution, the LPN is required to meet with CLPNNL’s Practice Consultant to discuss CLPNNL’s Standards of Practice and Code of Ethics. Finally, the LPN is required to submit an essay reflecting on insights gained from the required education and the importance of maintaining employer-employee boundaries in nursing practice.
On March 21, 2023 the CLPNNL Registrar resolved and allegation filed against an LPN. The Complainant was the LPN’s temporary employer. The allegation related to the LPN leaving a shift without communicating to the appropriate manager for the facility that they were unable to continue with their shift. There was no allegation of harm or risk to a client due to the incident. The LPN was required to complete remedial education targeting professional accountability and jurisprudence in LPN practice. Additionally, The LPN met with the CLPNNL Practice Consultant to discuss the CLPNNL’s Standards of Practice (2020) and the Code of Ethics (2013); Professional Accountability and to reflect on the importance of reporting issues in the workplace through the appropriate channels. Finally, the LPN submitted an essay that reflected on the insights gained from the situation and the education provided and the importance of accountability to one’s nursing practice.
On March 16, 2023, the CLPNNL Registrar resolved an allegation against an LPN. The allegation was filed by the LPN's employer and indicated that the LPN practiced without having completed their annual license renewal requirements and thereby failed to maintain liability protection in accordance with the Licensed Practical Nurses Act (2005). The LPN is required to pay a $690.00 fine as well as complete a reflection discussing CLPNNL’s Standards of Practice and Code of Ethics, Accountability as well as the importance of upholding annual registration requirements.
On October 28, 2022, the CLPNNL Complaints Authorization Committee (CAC) reviewed an allegation filed against an LPN. The Complainant was the LPN’s employer. The allegation related to the inappropriate actions of the LPN dressing in a culturally inappropriate manner and entering the room of a client not within their circle of care. The CAC ordered an investigation into the matter. After conclusion of the investigation, the CAC met on February 24, 2023 to review the investigation report. The CAC concluded that the LPN had engaged in conduct deserving of sanction and that their actions represented a breach of the following Standards of Practice and Ethical Responsibilities:
- Standard 1.1: LPNs practice within applicable legislation, regulations, by-laws and employer policies
- Standard 1.8: LPNs are accountable and responsible for their own practice, conduct, and ethical decision making
- Standard 4.7: LPNs demonstrate characteristics and attributes of a leader, and the ability to apply formal and informal leadership competence
- Ethical Responsibility 1.4 - Respect the rights of all individuals
- Ethical Responsibility 2.3 – Respect and protect client privacy
- Ethical Responsibility 2.7 – Develop trusting, therapeutic relationships, while maintaining professional boundaries
- Ethical Responsibility 4.1 – Take appropriate action to address the unprofessional conduct of other members of the inter-professional team.
It was the decision of the CAC to Caution and Counsel the LPN as outlined in Section 17 (3)(a) of the Licensed Practical Nurses Act (2005). The LPN was cautioned to protect the privacy and dignity of vulnerable people in areas where care is taking place as well as to avoid culturally inappropriate activity that may have the potential to disregard the beliefs, customs and values of others. Additionally, the LPN was counselled on their responsibilities to conduct themselves in a professional manner that upholds the Standards of Practice (2020) and the Code of Ethics (2013).
On October 28, 2022, the CLPNNL Complaints Authorization Committee (CAC) reviewed an allegation filed against an LPN. The Complainant was the LPN’s employer. The allegation related to the inappropriate actions of the LPN to allow colleagues who were not considered to be within the circle of care, to enter a private area where care was taking place as well as the LPN’s omission to report an incident of misconduct by another regulated professional. The CAC ordered an investigation into the matter. After conclusion of the investigation, the CAC met on February 24, 2023 to review the investigation report. The CAC concluded that the LPN had engaged in conduct deserving of sanction and that their actions represented a breach of the following Standards of Practice and Ethical Responsibilities:
- Standard 1.1: LPNs practice within applicable legislation, regulations, by-laws and employer policies
- Standard 1.8: LPNs are accountable and responsible for their own practice, conduct, and ethical decision making
- Standard 1.5: LPNs have a duty to report any circumstance that potentially or actually impedes professional, ethical or legal practice
- Ethical Responsibility 2.3 – Respect and protect client privacy
- Ethical Responsibility 2.7 – Develop trusting, therapeutic relationships, while maintaining professional boundaries
- Ethical Responsibility 4.1 – Take appropriate action to address the unprofessional conduct of other members of the inter-professional team.
It was the decision of the CAC to Caution and Counsel the LPN as outlined in Section17(3)(a) of the Licensed Practical Nurses Act (2005). The LPN was cautioned to protect the privacy and dignity of vulnerable people under their care in future nursing practice and the CAC further indicated that the LPN be counselled on their responsibilities to report incidents of unprofessional conduct in the workplace.
On December 8, 2022, the CLPNNL Registrar resolved an allegation filed against an LPN. The Complainant was the LPN’s employer. The allegation related to a breach of employer policy in the use of social media. There was no allegation of harm to any client. The LPN is required to complete remedial education targeting professional responsibility in the use of social media, jurisprudence and professional boundaries. Additionally, as part of the resolution, the LPN is required to meet with CLPNNL’s Practice Consultant to discuss CLPNNL’s Standards of Practice and Code of Ethics as well as appropriate use of social media for the health care professional. Finally, the LPN is required to submit an essay reflecting on insights gained from the required education and the importance of maintaining employer-employee boundaries in nursing practice.
On June 15, 2022, the CLPNNL Complaints Authorization Committee (CAC) reviewed an allegation filed against an LPN. The Complainant was the LPN’s employer. The allegation related to the inappropriate handling of a resident encounter. There was no allegation of any harm to residents. As part of its inquiry into the matter, the CAC required that the LPN answer direct questions about the incident. On November 23, 2022, the CAC concluded that the matter could be resolved by the Registrar with an Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) agreement. As part of the resolution, the LPN is required to complete remedial education targeting relational practice, therapeutic communication, jurisprudence, and Gentle Persuasive Approach to client care. Additionally, the LPN must meet with the CLPNNL Practice Consultant to discuss the CLPNNL Standards of Practice and Code of Ethics as well as the importance for the health care professional to maintain and protect the therapeutic nurse-client relationship. Finally, the LPN is required to submit an essay reflecting on insights gained from the mandated education and the importance for the LPN to uphold and protect the nurse-client relationship.
On September 20, 2022 the CLPNNL Registrar resolved an allegation filed against an LPN. The complainant in the matter was the LPN’s employer. The allegation related to a delay by the LPN, under their responsibilities outlined in section 14.1 Duty to Report of the Licensed Practical Nurses Act (2005), to report an incident of inappropriate client handling by a colleague. The LPN was required to complete remedial education targeting professional accountability, duty to report and jurisprudence. Additionally, the LPN was required to meet with the CLPNNL Practice Consultant to discuss CLPNNL’s Standards of Practice and Code of Ethics, Professional Accountability and Duty to Report. Finally, the LPN is required to submit an essay reflecting on the insight gained from the education provided and the importance of professional accountability to nursing practice.
On August 1, 2022, the CLPNNL Registrar resolved an allegation filed against an LPN. The Complainant was the LPN’s employer. The allegation involved improper use of personal protective equipment during a pandemic outbreak. There was no allegation by the employer of any harm to clients as a result of the LPN’s conduct. The LPN acknowledged that their conduct violated the CLPNNL Standards of Practice and Code of Ethics. As part of a resolution agreement, the LPN was required to complete targeted remedial education on jurisprudence, and standards of practice. Additionally, the LPN was required to meet with the CLPNNL Practice Consultant to review the Standards of Practice (2020), and the Code of Ethics (2013). Finally, the LPN was required to submit to the Registrar an essay reflecting on their conduct and the insights gained from the remedial education and how their conduct did not meet the expectations for LPN practice in the province.
On July 18, 2022, the CLPNNL Registrar resolved an allegation filed against an LPN. The Complainant was the LPN’s employer. The allegation related to the LPN not following employer policy in the proper preparation and administration of medications. As part of a resolution agreement, the LPN was required to complete remedial education in documentation, jurisprudence, and accountability. Additionally, the LPN was required to meet with CLPNNL’s Practice Consultant to discuss and cement insights gained from the required education modules as well as review the CLPNNL Standards of Practice (2020), the Code of Ethics (2013), and Medication Administration Standards (2020). Finally, the LPN was required to submit to the Registrar an essay reflecting on how their actions did not meet the expectations for LPN practice and how their practice will be impacted in the future given what they have learned from this process.
On June 15, 2022, the CLPNNL Complaints Authorization Committee (CAC) resolved an allegation filed against an LPN. The Complainant in the matter was the LPN’s employer. After a review of the investigation report and details of the allegation, the CAC were of the opinion that there were reasonable grounds to believe that the LPN engaged in conduct deserving of sanction in that the LPN failed to comply with Medication Administration Standards. The decision of the CAC was to caution and counsel the LPN. The caution was on the importance of safe medication practices. The CAC further counselled the LPN about the importance of accountability and recognition of the potential impact of their own fitness to practice on nursing practice and client safety.
On May 17, 2022, the CLPNNL Registrar resolved an allegation filed against an LPN. The Complainant was the LPN’s employer. The allegation related to issues of inappropriate communication and failure to adhere to respectful workplace employer policy. Additionally, the LPN did not follow the appropriate safe resident handling procedure. There was no allegation by the Complainant of any harm to any clients as a result of the LPN's behaviour. The LPN was required to complete targeted remedial education on jurisprudence, relational practice and fitness to practice as well as the importance of upholding LPN professional standards. As part of a resolution agreement the LPN was required to meet with the CLPNNL Practice Consultant to discuss and cement insights gained from the required education modules as well as to review the CLPNNL Standards of Practice (2020) and Code of Ethics (2013). Additionally, the LPN was required to submit to the Registrar an essay reflecting on how their actions did not meet the expectations for LPN practice and how their practice will be impacted in the future given what they have learned from this process.
On May 30, 2022, the CLPNNL Registrar resolved an allegation filed against an LPN. The Complainant was the LPN’s employer. The allegation related to the LPN not following employer policy in the proper access and administration of medications. As well, the allegation indicated that the LPN crossed professional boundaries and did not appropriately document medication administration. As part of a resolution agreement, the LPN was required to complete remedial education in documentation, maintaining the appropriate professional boundaries in nursing practice, jurisprudence, and accountability. Additionally, the LPN was required to meet with CLPNNL’s Practice Consultant to discuss and cement insights gained from the required education modules as well as review the CLPNNL Standards of Practice (2020), the Code of Ethics (2013), and review the role of the LPN in maintaining professional boundaries and professional accountability. Finally, the LPN was required to submit to the Registrar an essay reflecting on how their actions did not meet the expectations for LPN practice in the province and how their practice will be impacted in the future given what they have learned from this process.
On March 14, 2022, the CLPNNL Registrar resolved an allegation filed against an LPN. The Complainant in the matter was the LPN’s former employer. The allegation involved unprofessional communication and failure to contribute to a healthy and positive work environment. There was no allegation by the employer of any harm to clients as a result of the LPN’s conduct. The LPN acknowledged that their conduct violated the CLPNNL Standards of Practice and Code of Ethics. As part of a resolution agreement, the LPN was required to complete targeted remedial education on jurisprudence, relational practice, communication and leadership. Additionally, the LPN was required to meet with the CLPNNL Practice Consultant to review the Standards of Practice (2020), Code of Ethics (2013) as well as professional boundaries and accountability. Finally, the LPN was also required to submit to the Registrar an essay reflecting on their conduct and the insights gained from the remedial education and how their conduct did not meet the expectations for LPN practice in the province.
On March 30, 2022, the CLPNNL Complaints Authorization Committee (CAC) dismissed an allegation filed against an LPN. The Complainant was another regulated professional. The allegation related to the LPN exhibiting behaviour in the workplace that raised concerns about their professional practice. Following an inquiry, the CAC found there were no reasonable grounds to believe that the actions of the LPN demonstrated conduct deserving sanction.
On February 12, 2022, the CLPNNL Registrar resolved an allegation filed against an LPN. The Complainant in the matter was the LPN’s employer. The allegation related to issues of improper medication preparation and not following established medication management practices and policy. There was no allegation by the Complainant of any harm to clients due to the incident. The LPN was required to complete targeted remedial education on jurisprudence, medication administration, safe medication principles and documentation. As part of a resolution agreement, the LPN met with the CLPNNL Practice Consultant to review the CLPNNL Standards of Practice (2020) and Code of Ethics (2013) as well as to discuss and cement insights gained from the aforementioned education modules. The LPN was also required to submit to the Registrar an essay reflecting on their actions and how they did not meet the expectations of LPN practice in the province and how the insights gained from the remediation outlined in the resolution agreement will impact their nursing practice in future.
On February 7, 2022, the CLPNNL Registrar resolved an allegation filed against an LPN. The Complainant in the matter was the LPN’s employer. The allegation related to issues of the LPN not following established employer procedures and practices with respect to a client interaction. There was no allegation by the Complainant of any harm to the client due to the incident. The LPN was required to complete targeted remedial education on jurisprudence, de-escalation, and professional standards. As part of a resolution agreement, the LPN met with the CLPNNL Practice Consultant to review the CLPNNL Standards of Practice (2020) and Code of Ethics (2013) as well as to discuss and cement insights gained from the aforementioned education modules. The LPN was required to submit to the Registrar an essay reflecting on their actions and how they did not meet the expectations of LPN practice in the province and how the insights gained from the remediation outlined in the resolution agreement will impact their nursing practice in future.
On February 1, 2022, the CLPNNL Registrar resolved an allegation filed against an LPN. The Complainant in the matter was the LPN’s employer. The allegation related to issues of failure to report and document an incident. Additionally, the LPN did not follow the appropriate safe resident handling procedure and employer policy. There was no allegation by the Complainant of any harm to the client due to the incident. The LPN was required to complete targeted remedial education on documentation, jurisprudence and professional standards. As part of a resolution agreement, the LPN met with the CLPNNL Practice Consultant to discuss and cement insights gained from the required education modules as well as to review the CLPNNL Standards of Practice (2020) and Code of Ethics (2013). Additionally, the LPN was required to submit to the Registrar an essay reflecting on how their actions did not meet the expectations for LPN practice in the province and how their practice will be impacted in future given what they have learned from this process.
On December 14, 2021, the CLPNNL Registrar resolved an allegation filed against an LPN. The Complainant in the matter was the LPN’s employer. The allegation involved the LPN sharing client information with a person who was not within the client’s circle of care. The LPN acknowledged that the disclosure of client information was in breach of the CLPNNL Standards of Practice and Code of Ethics. While CLPNNL views any breach of client privacy to be a matter of concern, in this circumstance the evidence was that the breach was an isolated incident and without malicious or ill intent. As part of the resolution process, the LPN was required to complete remedial education targeting adherence to privacy laws as set out in The Newfoundland and Labrador Personal Health Information Act, as well as education in Jurisprudence to emphasize the health professional’s responsibility as a custodian charged with the protection of personal health information. Additionally, the LPN is required to meet with the CLPNNL Practice Consultant to review the Standards of Practice (2020) and Code of Ethics (2013) and the professional’s responsibility to safeguard client health information. In the circumstances of this allegation, the foregoing resolution will provide reasonable assurance that such conduct will not be repeated by this LPN. All LPNs are reminded to observe the upmost scrupulousness in protecting the privacy and confidentiality of client information.
On November 18, 2021, the CLPNNL Registrar resolved an allegation filed against an LPN. The Complainant in the matter was the LPN’s employer. The allegation related to issues of medication administration and documentation. There was no allegation by the Complainant of any harm to clients due to the incident. The LPN was required to complete targeted remedial education on documentation, medication management, jurisprudence and professional standards. As part of a resolution agreement, the LPN met with the CLPNNL Practice Consultant to discuss medication management and cement insights gained from the required education modules and to review the CLPNNL Standards of Practice (2020) and Code of Ethics (2013). Additionally, the LPN was required to submit to the Registrar an essay reflecting on how their actions did not meet the expectations for LPN practice in the province and how their practice will be impacted in the future given what they have learned from this process.
On October 27, 2021, the CLPNNL Registrar resolved an allegation filed against an LPN. The Complainant in the matter was the LPN’s employer. The allegation related to issues with the preparation and transport of vaccines. There was no harm to any client or damage/loss of vaccine in the incident. The LPN was required to meet with the CLPNNL Practice Consultant to discuss medication management and resolving professional practice issues in the workplace. The LPN was also required to complete remedial education targeting jurisprudence, leadership, the CLPNNL Standards of Practice (2020) and the Code of Ethics (2013). Additionally, the LPN submitted an essay to the Registrar outlining insights gained from this situation.
On September 24, 2021, the CLPNNL Registrar resolved an allegation filed against an LPN. The Complainant was the LPN’s employer. The allegation related to issues of inappropriate communication. There was no allegation of harm to any client due to the incident. The LPN was issued a letter of reprimand, a 4-week suspension of their license to practice as well as a requirement to meet with both the Registrar and the CLPNNL Practice Consultant. Additionally, the LPN was required to complete remedial education targeting relational practice, communication, jurisprudence and professionalism. The meeting with the Practice Consultant discussed and cemented insights gained from the education, the review of CLPNNL Standards of Practice (2020), the Code of Ethics (2013) and the CLPNNL Therapeutic Nurse Client Relationship interpretive document. As a part of a resolution agreement, the LPN was also required to submit to the Registrar an essay reflecting on the insight gained from the education provided and the importance of therapeutic communication to safe ethical client care.
On September 17, 2021, the CLPNNL Registrar resolved an allegation filed against an LPN. The Complainant was the LPN’s employer. The allegation related to issues of time management, medication administration and lack of professionalism in the workplace. There was no allegation of harm to any clients due to these issues. The LPN was required to complete remedial education targeting documentation, medication management, jurisprudence, the use of social media by LPNs, as well as professional accountability. The LPN, as part of an alternative dispute resolution, met with the CLPNNL Practice Consultant to discuss and cement insights gained from the required education modules as well as to review the CLPNNL Standards of Practice (2020) and the Code of Ethics (2013). Additionally, the LPN was required to submit to the Registrar an essay reflecting on how their actions did not reflect expectations for LPN practice in Newfoundland and Labrador and how their practice will be different, given what they have learned from the remedial education provided by the College.
On July 26, 2021, the CLPNNL Registrar resolved an allegation filed against an LPN. The Complainant was the LPN’s employer. The allegation related to issues of medication administration. There was no allegation by the Complainant of any harm to clients due to the incidents. The LPN was required to complete remedial education targeting medication administration, documentation as a part of safe medication principles, jurisprudence and a review of the Standards of Practice and Code of Ethics for LPNs in Canada. Additionally, the LPN was required to meet with the CLPNNL Practice Consultant to discuss insights gained from the remedial education as well as to review expectations for practical nurses with respect to medication administration standards as outlined in the CLPNNL/CRNNL collaborative Medication Management Document (2021). As part of the resolution of the allegation, the LPN was also required to submit to the CLPNNL Registrar an essay reflecting on the insight gained from the education provided and the importance of professional accountability in medication administration and its documentation according to medication standards and employer policy.
On July 15, 2021, the CLPNNL Registrar resolved an allegation filed against an LPN. The Complainant was the LPN’s employer. The allegation related to issues of medication administration. There was no allegation of harm to clients due to the incidents. The LPN was required to complete remedial education targeting documentation, medication administration, professional accountability and jurisprudence. Additionally, the LPN was required to meet with the CLPNNL Practice Consultant to discuss insight gained from the remedial education as well as to review expectations for practical nurses around medication administration standards as outlined in the CLPNNL/CRNNL Medication Management Document (2021). As part of the resolution of the allegation the LPN was also required to submit to the CLPNNL Registrar an essay reflecting on the insight gained from the education provided and the importance of professional accountability in medication administration and its documentation according to medication standards and employer policy.
On May 10, 2021, the CLPNNL Complaints Authorization Committee (CAC), having reviewed the investigation report related to an allegation filed against an LPN where the complainant was another regulated health professional, was of the opinion that there were reasonable grounds to believe the LPN engaged in conduct deserving of sanction and that the LPN failed to comply with Documentation Standards. The CAC cautioned the LPN that in future they must chart according to CLPNNL Standards and Employer Policy not only what is personally witnessed but what is reported to them in their role as LPN.
On March 17, 2021, the CLPNNL Registrar resolved an allegation against an LPN. The Complainant was the LPN’s employer. The allegation related to a breach of professional boundaries in relation to a patient (there was no allegation of abuse or other actual harm to the patient). The LPN had been under the care of a health professional for treatment of a health issue and COVID-19 interfered with their ability to continue treatment. The LPN felt that these circumstances contributed to poor decision making. The LPN’s return to practice is subject to CLPNNL receiving confirmation from a health care provider that the LPN is safe to return to nursing practice and continues to receive treatment and counseling. The LPN is also required to take part in self-reflection follow-up with the CLPNNL Regulatory Officer for monitoring for a period of no less than 18 months. Additionally, the LPN is required to complete remedial education targeting professional accountability, jurisprudence in nursing practice, the CLPNNL Standards of Practice and Code of Ethics as well as the importance of the nurse-client boundary. The LPN is required to meet with the CLPNNL Practice Consultant to discuss and reflect on learnings gained about the legal and professional implications of nurses maintaining fitness to practice in the interest of public safety and the importance of upholding the integrity of the nursing profession.
On February 27, 2021, the CLPNNL Complaints Authorization Committee (CAC) dismissed an allegation filed against an LPN. The Complainant in the matter was the LPN’s employer. The allegation related to the LPN exhibiting behaviour in the workplace that raised concerns about their professional practice. Following an investigation into the matter, the CAC found there were no reasonable grounds to believe that the actions of the LPN demonstrated they had engaged in conduct deserving sanction.
On January 14, 2021, the CLPNNL Registrar resolved an allegation against a LPN. The allegation was filed by the CLPNNL Registrar as outlined in the Licensed Practical Nurses Act (2005) Section 15 (2). The LPN practiced without having completed their annual license renewal requirements and thereby failed to maintain liability protection in accordance with the Licensed Practical Nurses Act (2005). The LPN is required to pay a $1000.00 fine as well as complete remedial education targeting professional accountability and jurisprudence in nursing practice. Additionally, the LPN is required to meet with the CLPNNL Practice Consultant to discuss CLPNNL’s Standards of Practice and Code of Ethics, accountability and the importance of upholding annual registration requirements.
On January 11, 2021, the CLPNNL Registrar resolved an allegation filed against an LPN. The allegation related to issues with medication administration. There was no allegation of any harm to clients due to the incidents. The LPN was required to complete remedial education targeting documentation, professional accountability, jurisprudence in nursing practice and the CLPNNL Standards of Practice and Code of Ethics. The LPN is required to meet with the CLPNNL Practice Consultant to discuss insight gained from the remedial education, professionalism and self-regulation as well as to review the CLPNNL/CRNNL Medication Management Document.
On December 9th, 2020, the CLPNNL Registrar resolved an allegation filed against an LPN. The Complainant was the LPN’s employer. The allegation related to inaccurate documentation on a client who left a healthcare facility without notifying the staff. The inaccurate documentation related to the client’s location and the care provided. The allegation was referred to the Complaints Authorization Committee (CAC) and an investigation was ordered. The CAC reviewed the results of the investigation and made the decision to refer the allegation back to the Registrar for Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR). There was no allegation of harm to the client due to the incident and the client’s family was aware of the situation. The LPN was required to complete remedial education targeting documentation, professional accountability and jurisprudence in nursing. Additionally, the LPN is required to meet with the CLPNNL Practice Consultant to discuss CLPNNL’s Standards of Practice and Code of Ethics, Accountability, as well as the best practices in nursing documentation. Finally, the LPN is required to submit an essay reflecting on the insight gained from the education provided and the importance of professional accountability to one’s nursing practice.
On November 12, 2020 the CLPNNL Registrar resolved an allegation filed against an LPN. The Complainant was the LPN’s employer. The allegation related to the LPN exhibiting signs of extreme tiredness, as well as episodes of distraction and confusion during a shift. Through the investigation it was identified that the LPN had a change in their regular medication regime by a medical provider and the night before the shift in question, the LPN had not slept. The LPN admitted the behaviour had been the result of the new medication coupled with exhaustion and that as a professional this was a breach of Code of Ethics Principle 5.5: Inform the appropriate authority in the event of becoming unable to practise safely, competently and/or ethically. There was no allegation of any harm to a client due to the unusual behaviour. The LPN is required to complete remedial education targeting professional accountability, jurisprudence, standards of practice and ethics. Additionally, the LPN is required to meet with the CLPNNL Practice Consultant to discuss the CLPNNL Standard of Practice and Code of Ethics and well as to review the CLPNNL Accountability Interpretive document. The LPN is also required to submit to the Registrar an essay reflecting on the responsibility of an LPN to report any circumstance that has the potential to impede professional, ethical or legal practice.
On November 9, 2020, the CLPNNL Registrar resolved an allegation against an LPN. The allegation was filed by the CLPNNL Registrar as outlined in the Licensed Practical Nurses Act (2005) Section 15 (2). The LPN practiced without having completed their annual license renewal requirements and thereby failed to maintain liability protection in accordance with the Licensed Practical Nurses Act (2005). The LPN is required to pay a $1000.00 fine as well as complete remedial education targeting professional accountability and jurisprudence in nursing practice. Additionally, the LPN is required to meet with the CLPNNL Practice Consultant to discuss CLPNNL’s Standards of Practice and Code of Ethics, accountability and the importance of upholding annual registration requirements.
On October 25, 2020, the CLPNNL Registrar resolved an allegation against an LPN. The LPN contacted the CLPNNL Registrar to self-report that they had diverted specific medications from the employer because they suffer from a substance abuse disorder. The employer reported the incident to CLPNNL and acted as Complainant in the resolution of the allegation. The LPN’s return to nursing practice was subject to CLPNNL receiving medical confirmation that the LPN is fit to practice nursing and that they are receiving treatment for their substance abuse disorder. The LPN is required to undergo specified monitoring upon return to practice and to complete remedial education targeting jurisprudence and professional standards. Additionally, the LPN is required to meet with the CLPNNL Practice Consultant to discuss and reflect on learnings gained about the legal and professional implications of nurses maintaining fitness to practice in the interest of public safety.
On September 28, 2020, the CLPNNL Registrar resolved an allegation filed against an LPN. The Complainant was the LPN’s employer. The allegation related to issues with medication administration. In a letter of response to the CLPNNL Registrar, the LPN admitted to having a substance abuse disorder. There was no allegation of any harm to clients due to the incidents. The LPN is required to provide CLPNNL with a medical report confirming fitness to practice as well as agree to be monitored by the employer for a period of no less than 18 months. Additionally, the LPN was required to completed remedial education targeting professional accountability; jurisprudence in nursing practice; and the CLPNNL Standards of Practice and Code of Ethics. The LPN is required to meet with the CLPNNL Practice Consultant to discuss insight gained from the remedial education, professionalism, and self-regulation.
On September 17, 2020, the CLPNNL Registrar resolved an allegation filed against an LPN. The Complainant was the LPN’s employer. The allegation was referred to the Complaints Authorization Committee (CAC) and an investigation was ordered. Following a review of the investigation findings, the CAC referred the allegation back to the CLPNNL Registrar to resolve with Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR). The allegation related to issues of disruptive communication with colleagues, and medication administration practices that did not adhere to best practice or employer policy. The LPN is required as part of the agreement, to complete specific remedial education targeting medication administration, documentation, relational practice and communication in nursing. Additionally, the LPN is required to meet with the CLPNNL practice consultant to review and discuss the CLPNNL Standards of Practice and Code of Ethics; the Therapeutic Nurse Client Relationship; and the CLPNNL/CRNNL Medication Management Document. Finally, the LPN is required to submit an essay reflecting on the lessons learned through the education provided and how communication, collaborative practice and adherence to employer protocols impacts care.
In a decision dated July 31, 2020, the CAC dismissed an allegation filed against an LPN. The Complainant was the LPN’s employer. The allegation related to issues of alleged inappropriate medication administration by the LPN. The CAC found that there were no reasonable grounds to believe that the LPN had engaged in conduct deserving of sanction.
On July 28, 2020, the CLPNNL Registrar resolved an allegation filed against an LPN. The Complainant was the LPN’s employer. The allegation related to the failure of the LPN to report an incident of inappropriate workplace behaviour by another health care professional, constituting a failure by that other health care professional to treat colleagues and clients with dignity and respect. There was no allegation of any other harm to a client due to the incident or the alleged failure to report. The LPN was required to complete remedial education targeting professional accountability and duty to report. Additionally, the LPN was required to meet with the CLPNNL Practice Consultant to discuss CLPNNL’s Standards of Practice and Code of Ethics; What it means to be a Professional; Accountability; as well as the Duty to Report and the Therapeutic Nurse Client Relationship. Finally, the LPN submitted an essay reflecting on the insight gained from the education provided and the importance of professional accountability to one’s nursing practice.
On June 29, 2020, the CLPNNL Registrar resolved an allegation filed against an LPN. The Complainant was the LPN’s employer. The allegation related to the LPN leaving a shift without communicating to the appropriate authority that they were unable to complete the shift. There was no allegation of any harm to a client due to the incident. The LPN was required to complete remedial education targeting professional accountability and jurisprudence in nursing practice. Additionally, the LPN was required to meet with the CLPNNL Practice Consultant to discuss CLPNNL’s Standards of Practice and Code of Ethics; What it means to be a Professional; and Accountability. Finally, the LPN submitted an essay reflecting on the insight gained from the education provided and the importance of professional accountability to one’s nursing practice.
On May 22, 2020 the CLPNNL Registrar resolved an allegation filed against an LPN. The Complainant was the LPN’s employer. The allegation related to the failure of the LPN to report an incident of inappropriate workplace behaviour by another health care professional, constituting a failure by that other health care professional to treat colleagues and clients with dignity and respect. There was no allegation of any other harm to a client due to the incident or the alleged failure to report. The LPN was required to complete remedial education targeting professional accountability and duty to report. Additionally, the LPN was required to meet with the CLPNNL Practice Consultant to discuss CLPNNL’s Standards of Practice and Code of Ethics; What it means to be a Professional; Accountability; as well as the Duty to Report and the Therapeutic Nurse Client Relationship. Finally, the LPN submitted an essay reflecting on the insight gained from the education provided and the importance of professional accountability to one’s nursing practice.
On May 22, 2020 the CLPNNL Registrar resolved an allegation filed against an LPN. The Complainant was the LPN’s employer. The allegation related to the failure of the LPN to report an incident of inappropriate workplace behaviour by another health care professional, constituting a failure by that other health care professional to treat colleagues and clients with dignity and respect. There was no allegation of any other harm to a client due to the alleged failure to report. The LPN was required to complete remedial education targeting professional accountability and duty to report. Additionally, the LPN was required to meet with the CLPNNL Practice Consultant to discuss CLPNNL’s Standards of Practice and Code of Ethics; What it means to be a Professional; Accountability; as well as the Duty to Report and the Therapeutic Nurse Client Relationship. Finally, the LPN submitted an essay reflecting on the insight gained from the education provided and the importance of professional accountability to one’s nursing practice.
In a decision dated May 11, 2020, the Complaints Authorization Committee (CAC) dismissed an allegation filed against an LPN. The Complainant was the LPN’s employer and it was alleged that the LPN refused to cooperate in a staffing issue in the workplace. After careful consideration by the CAC, it was determined that the matter did not raise an issue of professional misconduct and therefore fell outside of the mandate of CLPNNL. The CAC found that there were no reasonable grounds to believe that the LPN had engaged in conduct deserving of sanction.
On April 20, 2020, the CLPNNL Registrar resolved an allegation filed against an LPN. The Complainant was the LPN’s employer. The allegation involved inappropriate workplace behaviour by the LPN and breach of the integrity of a professional nurse-client relationship by the LPN, constituting a failure by the LPN to treat colleagues and clients with dignity and respect. There was no allegation of any other harm to a client due to the alleged failure to report. The LPN was required to complete extensive remedial education targeting professional accountability, the nurse-client relationship and the importance of a professional behaving in a manner that upholds the integrity of the nursing profession. As part of the resolution process, there was extensive education assigned to the LPN that reinforced the CLPNNL Standards of Practice, Code of Ethics, professional boundaries, jurisprudence and professional accountability. Additionally, the LPN was required to meet with the CLPNNL Practice Consultant to review the remediation assigned as well as to discuss the importance of the nurse-client relationship and the implications of improper conduct, if it were to be repeated, for future practice. Finally, the LPN submitted an essay reflecting on the lessons learned from the incident and remedial education provided.